Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Landscape with Ink

The picture above is the one I went with for my composition. I found that working with the india ink for the homework assignment was much faster than the inside assignment in the class room.

Night Drawing

I thought this assignment was going to be harder than it actually was. Might of been because I chose a simple composition. I started another night drawing but there was too much going on in the composition so I stared over and I'm glad I did. I think this one came out much better. My eyes kind of did the work for me, I didn't focus on details because at night the details just kind of disappeared. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Animations and/or videos that show positive/negative space and high-contrast value.

I believe this is a very good example of high contrast and also positive and negative space. I really wasn't sure what you were looking for when you said video but I figured this was really good at showing the contrast so I figured it would work! haha most of the video is black and white and the lighting in it reminds me of the film noir stuff we learned in class.

This is a really good example of postive and negative space. Because it's based on a comic book of course, and because it's black and white. The main colors in use are black and white and every once in a while you'll see a little gray.

Now this is an example of film noir, like we went over in class. I find it very interesting that they only had one or two sources of light and that was it but it gave really good contrast and I believe even made the film more visually appealing because of the contrast and spots of positive and negative spaces.

Artists' using positive/negative space and high-contrast values.

All the above are from the artist, Ozge Zorlu. I just happened to find him while searching artists' with high-contrast in the google search. I really love his photography. In all these, there is white, black, and all the grays in between which gives it very good contrast.

All the above are from the artist, Vikram Franklin. He is a more modern artist with his photography. He also uses amazing contrast with the white, black, and all the grays in between. And in the leaf photo, there is a good sense of positive and negative space.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Hello Everyone,
My name is Stephanie Hemker and I'm a new student at MCA! Previously... I attended Northwest MS Community College, not as exciting as it sounds. I basically took all the basics you could possibly take, and still had no clue what I wanted to do with my future. I thought about Secondary Ed but I honestly couldn't imagine myself being a teacher and I took a few art courses while I was there and loved them. My dad is also a photographer so I guess it runs through my blood. He owns this own photo lab and studio where I also happen to work. Right now, my concentration is photography but I also enjoy drawing and painting so I'm hoping just to figure it all out along the way. I'm really excited about this great opportunity that I have at MCA. I'm the type of person that loves surprises... and I like that I don't know the future or for curtain what I want to do! :-)